We know that not everyone knows exactly what design-build construction is and the benefits, so we wanted to sit down with our president, Trent Hanna so we could share more about the in's and out's of everything and share the power of what SSI NWA can do for you!
Read below for more!
Q. What exactly is design-build?
"Design-Build is a project delivery method that essentially cuts out the “middle man,” or the bidding process. A Project Owner utilizes a contractor from day one of the project rather than going straight to the design team. This does two main things.
One - This process allows the project to be designed around a budget that’s backed up by the current pricing market. Architects generally do a great job of designing around a budget, but with the help of a contractor who is constantly pricing materials and labor, this can be narrowed down on the front end.
Two - This process also streamlines the “pre-construction” phase of a project. By working with your contractor from the beginning stages of a project, you negate the need to bid the project out. Essentially, once construction drawings are produced, the project can start full swing."
- Trent Hanna, President of SSI NWA
Q. Why Design-Build Works?
Does it give a closer client relationship than other ways?
What do our past clients love about design build delivery?
Does it save on time, energy, and money?
What does SSI NWA have to offer when it comes to Design-Build Delivery?
- Trent Hanna, President SSI NWA